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11 Common LinkedIn Commenting “Crimes” (And How to Avoid Them)

LinkedIn commenting is a powerful tool for building your personal brand, growing your network, and showcasing your expertise. However, it’s easy to commit some common commenting […]

LinkedIn commenting is a powerful tool for building your personal brand, growing your network, and showcasing your expertise. However, it’s easy to commit some common commenting “crimes” that can undermine your efforts. To truly succeed on LinkedIn, you need to engage in meaningful, respectful, and valuable conversations.

In this article, we’ll explore 11 common LinkedIn commenting crimes and show you how to stay on the right side of LinkedIn “law” by commenting strategically and authentically.

1. Ignoring the Content

The Crime: Commenting without reading the post.
Many users skim or don’t read posts before commenting. Leaving irrelevant comments like “Nice post!” without engaging with the actual content does nothing for your credibility.

The Right Way: Read or at least scan the post before commenting.
Relevant comments always win. Take a moment to understand the core message before responding with something meaningful.


  • Wrong: “Nice post!” ❌
  • Right: “Your point about [topic] has changed my perspective. Before, I thought…!” ✅

Why It Works: You demonstrate that you are invested in the conversation, making your comment more valuable and likely to foster engagement.

2. Promoting Your Business

The Crime: Turning your comment into a sales pitch.
Nobody likes being pitched to when they’re looking for insights. Promoting your business in comments can come across as spammy and desperate.

The Right Way: Provide value, not sales pitches.
Instead of promoting your product or service, share your experiences and insights that add to the discussion.


  • Wrong: “Check out my profile for more info!” ❌
  • Right: “I’ve experienced something similar, and this approach helped me overcome it…” ✅

Why It Works: By offering genuine value, you build trust and credibility, which is more effective in the long run than aggressive promotion.

3. Misleading People

The Crime: Sharing unverified or exaggerated information.
LinkedIn is a professional platform, and misleading or over-promising comments can damage your credibility.

The Right Way: Ensure your comments are trustworthy.
Always fact-check and avoid making bold claims without credible sources. If you share a tactic, mention that it’s based on evidence or experience.


  • Wrong: “This will 100% increase your sales overnight!” ❌
  • Right: “This tactic has helped improve results, based on [credible source].” ✅

Why It Works: Trust is essential in building relationships on LinkedIn. When people trust your comments, they’re more likely to engage with you.

4. Using Jargon

The Crime: Overloading your comment with technical jargon.
Using overly complex language can alienate readers, especially if they don’t understand what you’re saying.

The Right Way: Keep it simple and clear.
Aim to communicate in a way that’s easy for a broad audience to understand. Avoid over-complicating your message with unnecessary technical terms.


  • Wrong: “Leveraging synergistic paradigms to maximize ROI…” ❌
  • Right: “Collaborating effectively can lead to better results.” ✅

Why It Works: Simplicity allows more people to engage with your comment and understand your point of view.

5. Making It All About Your Business

The Crime: Hijacking a post to talk about yourself.
When someone shares their thoughts or experiences, hijacking the conversation by focusing on your business can come off as self-centered.

The Right Way: Engage with the post’s content.
Respond to the original post thoughtfully, and only share your business experience if it adds value to the conversation.


  • Wrong: “Our tool does it better!” ❌
  • Right: “Your experience reminds me of how [related experience] worked for us…” ✅

Why It Works: You stay relevant to the conversation while subtly sharing your expertise, keeping the focus on the original topic.

6. Copy-Pasting Comments

The Crime: Using the same comment over and over again.
It’s tempting to copy and paste the same comment on multiple posts, but this approach lacks authenticity and damages your credibility.

The Right Way: Personalize your comments.
Take the time to tailor your responses to the specific post. Show that you’re genuinely engaged in the discussion.


  • Wrong: “Nice one! I see how this can benefit our company.” (on multiple posts) ❌
  • Right: “Cool idea about [topic]. This has helped me with [specific experience]…” ✅

Why It Works: Personalized comments stand out and are more likely to lead to meaningful interactions.

7. Emoji Spamming

The Crime: Overloading your comment with emojis.
While emojis can help convey emotion, using too many can clutter your message and make your comment hard to read.

The Right Way: Use emojis sparingly.
Use emojis to emphasize key points, but don’t overdo it. Keep your comment clean and easy to read.


  • Wrong: “😃😃😃 This is awesome!! 💪💪💪💡” ❌
  • Right: “This is a great insight 👇 Here’s what I’ve learned…” ✅

Why It Works: A few well-placed emojis can add personality to your comment without overwhelming your message.

8. Being Aggressive

The Crime: Dismissing or attacking others’ opinions.
LinkedIn is a platform for professional conversations, not arguments. Aggressive or dismissive comments reflect poorly on you.

The Right Way: Respect differing viewpoints.
Even if you disagree, respond with respect and openness to other perspectives.


  • Wrong: “That’s a stupid idea!” ❌
  • Right: “That’s an interesting concept. Have you considered [alternative perspective]?” ✅

Why It Works: Respectful dialogue encourages further engagement and reflects positively on your personal brand.

9. Not Respecting Privacy and Boundaries

The Crime: Asking personal questions or going into private matters.
Overstepping boundaries with intrusive comments can damage relationships and make people uncomfortable.

The Right Way: Keep it professional.
Focus on the content of the post and avoid personal questions or making assumptions about someone’s life.


  • Wrong: “Why did you leave your last job?” ❌
  • Right: “Your career transition is inspiring! This decision to [action] is bold.” ✅

Why It Works: Keeping the conversation professional maintains boundaries and fosters respect.

10. Failing to Admit When You’re Wrong

The Crime: Refusing to acknowledge mistakes.
No one is always right, and refusing to admit when you’re wrong can make you seem arrogant and unapproachable.

The Right Way: Be open to correction.
If you realize you’ve made a mistake, acknowledge it and thank the person who pointed it out.


  • Wrong: “No, you’re wrong!” ❌
  • Right: “You’re right, I misunderstood that point. Thanks for clarifying!” ✅

Why It Works: Admitting when you’re wrong shows humility and fosters trust.

11. Ignoring Cultural Differences

The Crime: Not considering different cultural perspectives.
Comments that don’t respect cultural diversity can come across as insensitive or uninformed.

The Right Way: Embrace diverse perspectives.
Acknowledge and respect cultural differences in your comments, especially when discussing global topics.


  • Wrong: “You shouldn’t do this in your country.” ❌
  • Right: “It’s interesting to see how your country approaches this issue…” ✅

Why It Works: Respecting cultural differences fosters inclusivity and strengthens your professional relationships.

Bonus: Not Formatting Your Comments

The Crime: Posting long blocks of text without formatting.
Unformatted comments are hard to read and often get ignored.

The Right Way: Format your comments for easy reading.
Break your comment into short paragraphs or use bullet points to make it more readable and engaging.

Why It Works: Proper formatting helps readers quickly grasp your points and makes your comment more inviting.

Conclusion: Commenting is an Art

Commenting on LinkedIn is an art that should build relationships and add value. Avoid these common commenting “crimes,” and focus on respect, understanding, and authenticity. Doing so will help you stand out, build your personal brand, and engage meaningfully with your network.

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