LinkedIn AI comments
LinkedIn AI Comments Don’t Work? Here’s Why You Might Be Using Them Wrong
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linkedin commenting block
Hack Your LinkedIn Commenting Writer’s Block in 60 Seconds
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

5 Pro Tips to Turn Your Competitors’ LinkedIn Posts Into Opportunities

When people think of growing their presence on LinkedIn, they often focus solely on their own posts. But one of the most underrated strategies is engaging […]

When people think of growing their presence on LinkedIn, they often focus solely on their own posts. But one of the most underrated strategies is engaging with your competitors’ LinkedIn posts. You might be wondering why you’d want to engage with competitors at all. But when done right, it can be a goldmine for visibility, authority, and even new clients.

In this guide, we’ll get into 5 pro tips on how to strategically engage with competitors on LinkedIn, and how your thoughtful LinkedIn comments can turn competition into opportunity.

Why Comment on Your Competitors’ LinkedIn Posts?

At first glance, it might seem counterintuitive to engage with your competitors on LinkedIn. Isn’t the goal to focus on your own content? Well, engaging with their posts through LinkedIn comments can actually increase your visibility, position you as a thought leader, and open up new business opportunities.

Here’s why commenting on competitors’ LinkedIn posts can work in your favor:

  • Increase Your Visibility: Every thoughtful comment you leave on a competitor’s post is a chance for their audience to see you. If your comment is valuable, people in their network may visit your profile.
  • Establish Authority: By adding meaningful input in the comments, you show that you’re knowledgeable in the subject matter. This builds your reputation as an expert in your field.
  • Potential to Attract Clients: People browsing through comments often look for experts or solutions to their own problems. Your thoughtful comment could be the reason they reach out to you instead of your competitor.

So, instead of seeing your competitors as rivals, view them as an opportunity to showcase your expertise in front of new audiences.

1. (Always) Start With Respect

Your approach when commenting on a competitor’s LinkedIn post should be one of respect and collaboration, not competition. People appreciate humility and thoughtful engagement – so avoid trying to outshine or one-up them in the comments.


“Great insights on employee engagement, @Competitor. This could also help in developing better leadership training programs.”

With this kind of comment, you’re showing that you respect the competitor’s knowledge, while also subtly adding value to the conversation. It’s less about showing off and more about contributing positively to the discussion.

2. Offer Your Unique Perspective

Don’t just agree with everything your competitor says – this won’t add much value. Instead, offer your own unique perspective in a way that complements their point. This doesn’t mean challenging them outright but expanding on the conversation constructively.


“I completely agree with you, @Competitor. In addition, I’ve found that incorporating feedback loops with team members can lead to even stronger results.”

In this example, you’re bringing in your own expertise without undercutting the original post, showing that you have valuable insights to contribute.

3. Find Your Common Ground

One of the best ways to build rapport on LinkedIn is by finding areas of agreement. When you comment on your competitor’s post, look for shared perspectives or experiences. This not only fosters goodwill but also shows that you’re aligned with other experts in your field.


“I totally agree with your take on content strategy, @Competitor. It’s been one of the most effective approaches for my clients as well.”

By finding common ground, you’re subtly associating yourself with their authority while adding weight to your comment.

4. Ask Thoughtful Questions

When you ask thoughtful questions in your LinkedIn comments, you open the door for deeper discussion. This demonstrates that you’re genuinely engaged and interested in the topic, which can spark further conversation from both the competitor and their audience.


“This is fantastic, @Competitor. What do you think about how this approach works for smaller businesses? I’d love to hear your thoughts.”

This type of comment invites the competitor (and others) to respond, encouraging more interaction and potentially drawing more eyes to your profile.

5. Avoid Sales Pitches

One of the fastest ways to turn people off on LinkedIn is by turning your comment into a sales pitch. Remember, the goal of commenting on competitors’ posts is to add value, not to promote your own services or products.


“Great point on customer retention, @Competitor. I’ve found that a consistent follow-up strategy helps maintain strong relationships as well.”

Notice that there’s no mention of your services or products – just an added tip based on your experience. This keeps the comment valuable and relevant to the discussion, without sounding self-serving.

Bonus Tip: Share Case Studies or Stories

Sometimes, it helps to share a short story or case study that supports the competitor’s point. This not only adds value but also positions you as someone who has real-world experience in the field. It’s a subtle way of reinforcing your expertise without making the conversation all about you.


“I can definitely vouch for this approach, @Competitor. I recently used a similar strategy for a client in the tech industry, and we saw a 25% increase in customer retention within 3 months.”

By sharing a story or example, you provide evidence of your own knowledge while keeping the focus on adding value to the original post.

Bonus Tip 2: Just Show Support

Sometimes, you don’t need to add a new perspective or offer a solution. A simple comment that acknowledges your competitor’s contribution can go a long way. People appreciate genuine support – so don’t hesitate to show respect and appreciation for their hard work.


“Another great post, @Competitor. You always deliver actionable insights!”

This comment doesn’t try to add anything new but shows genuine respect, which helps build a positive relationship.

Bonus Tip 3: Be on Time

Timing matters when commenting on LinkedIn posts. To maximize your visibility, aim to comment within the first 10-15 minutes of the post going live. Early engagement often gets more visibility, especially if others join in on the conversation after you.

Keeping an eye on your competitors’ posting schedules can help you stay ahead and ensure your comments are seen by more people.

Turn LinkedIn Competitor Engagement Into Opportunity

By following these pro tips and engaging thoughtfully with your competitors on LinkedIn, you can increase your visibility, build your authority, and open the door to new opportunities. Competition doesn’t always have to mean rivalry – when approached with respect and thoughtfulness, it can lead to learning, collaboration, and business growth.

Engaging with competitors on LinkedIn helps you:

  • Increase your brand presence
  • Gain respect from peers and competitors
  • Unlock potential clients and collaborations

Use Commenter AI to Stay Ahead

If you’re looking to stay on top of your LinkedIn game, Commenter AI can help you:

  • Be among the first to comment on important posts.
  • Add value with thoughtful, well-structured responses.
  • Engage strategically with your competitors.

Test it out today – it’s free, and it’s designed to help you make the most of your LinkedIn engagement strategy.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn comments aren’t just throwaway reactions – they’re opportunities to engage, build relationships, and grow your presence. By using these strategies and treating competitors with respect, you can turn simple comments into powerful tools for visibility and business growth. Remember, it’s all about how you approach the conversation. Start engaging today and watch your presence grow!

FAQ: How to Make the Most of LinkedIn Commenting

Q: Should I engage with all my competitors on LinkedIn?

A: No, you don’t need to engage with every competitor. Focus on those whose audience aligns with your goals, and only comment when you have something valuable to add.

Q: How can I avoid sounding like I’m trying to compete?

A: Approach every comment with respect and the goal of adding value, rather than trying to outshine your competitor. Think of it as joining the conversation, not challenging it.

Q: Can commenting on competitors’ LinkedIn posts really lead to new opportunities?

A: Absolutely. Thoughtful engagement can lead to connections with potential clients, collaborators, or even other competitors who respect your insights.