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7 Easy Techniques to Craft Valuable LinkedIn Comments

Crafting the perfect LinkedIn comment is an underrated skill that can open doors for new opportunities, connections, and increased visibility. While many settle for quick replies […]

Crafting the perfect LinkedIn comment is an underrated skill that can open doors for new opportunities, connections, and increased visibility. While many settle for quick replies like “Great post!” or “Thanks for sharing,” comments that stand out offer much more value. Thoughtful comments showcase your expertise, build relationships, and spark conversations.

Below are 7 easy techniques to craft LinkedIn comments that make people stop, think, and engage with you.

1. The Attention-Grabber

Starting your comment with something that grabs attention is a crucial first step. Think of it like writing a headline: if the first few words don’t catch someone’s eye, the rest of your comment might be ignored.

Why It Works:

The opening line of your comment serves as the hook, just like a movie trailer. People scroll through LinkedIn quickly, so your comment needs to stop them in their tracks. A bold, intriguing, or even humorous start gives your comment a better chance of being read.

How to Do It:

Instead of using standard comments like “Great post!” or “Nice share!”, go for something more unpredictable. Express surprise, excitement, or curiosity in a way that invites further reading.


“Mind blown, @name! 🤯 I’ve never considered this perspective before, and it’s sparked a new way of thinking for me.”

This approach invites readers to see why you found the post so engaging, and it immediately stands out from the typical comments.

Additional Tips:

  • Use emojis to amplify emotion (like the “🤯” mind-blown emoji).
  • Make sure the comment remains relevant to the post so it doesn’t seem out of place.

2. The Referencer

One of the best ways to add value to your LinkedIn comments is by referring to external resources – like articles, research studies, or interesting statistics – that relate to the post you’re commenting on. This not only deepens the conversation but also boosts your credibility as someone who’s knowledgeable and well-informed.

Why It Works:

When you provide useful external resources, you’re offering extra value to the conversation. Not only does it show that you’ve gone the extra mile, but it also encourages others to engage with your comment, follow your links, and even spark new discussions.

How to Do It:

Find a related article, case study, or piece of content that ties in with the original post. Make sure it’s relevant and adds value to the conversation. Simply linking random articles won’t have the same effect.


“Fantastic insights, @name! This reminds me of a study from Harvard Business Review that delves into a similar topic: [link].”

By referencing an article from a reputable source, you show that you’ve done your homework and care about enriching the discussion.

Additional Tips:

  • Use reliable sources: Make sure the links you provide come from credible publications or research.
  • Be concise: Don’t overwhelm your comment with too much external information – just enough to spark further interest.

3. Be Different

One of the most effective ways to stand out on LinkedIn is to offer a different angle or perspective in your comments. Rather than simply agreeing with the post, take it a step further by presenting a unique point of view. Even if you agree with the overall message, look for areas where you can add a new dimension to the conversation.

Why It Works:

LinkedIn is full of people agreeing with each other. While it’s great to show support, the real value comes from offering a fresh perspective. It adds depth to the discussion and signals that you’re a critical thinker who brings something new to the table.

How to Do It:

Instead of just agreeing, acknowledge the point being made and then suggest another viewpoint or challenge the idea in a respectful way. This encourages a more dynamic conversation.


“I see where you’re coming from, @name, but what do you think about the impact this could have on smaller businesses? I think their challenges might differ in this context.”

This type of comment opens the floor for further discussion and provides a new angle for others to consider.

Additional Tips:

  • Be respectful: Offering a different perspective doesn’t mean being confrontational. Always engage with kindness and curiosity.
  • Frame your comment as a question to encourage more engagement.

4. The Socratic Technique

One of the most powerful tools for sparking conversation is asking thoughtful, open-ended questions. This technique encourages the author of the post and others to reflect on the topic more deeply, leading to richer discussions.

Why It Works:

Questions prompt further dialogue, which is essential for building relationships and keeping the conversation going. People are naturally inclined to respond to questions, especially when they’re thought-provoking or challenge conventional thinking.

How to Do It:

After complimenting the post or providing your thoughts, ask a follow-up question that invites others to contribute.


“Outstanding post, @name! I’m curious – how do you see this trend playing out in the next 5 years, particularly with the rise of AI?”

This type of question invites deeper exploration of the topic and encourages others to share their own predictions or insights.

Additional Tips:

  • Ask open-ended questions: These are questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
  • Frame the question in a way that extends the conversation, rather than closing it off.

5. The Quotable Comment

Some comments are so memorable that people save them, share them, or even reply just to highlight your insight. Aim for a comment that is quotable – something that resonates so deeply with people that they’ll want to come back to it or share it with their own networks.

Why It Works:

Comments that are concise, impactful, and thought-provoking get noticed. If you can condense a deep insight into just a few words, it’s more likely to stick with people. These are the comments that get saved and shared, amplifying your visibility.

How to Do It:

Think of your comment as a mini-quote or mantra. You want to offer something that is easy to remember, yet full of meaning.


“The obstacle is the path. If we avoid adversity, we never discover our true potential.”

This type of comment makes people stop and think. It’s the kind of insight that people might reflect on, share, or even reply to with their own thoughts.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep it short and impactful: Quotable comments are concise but packed with meaning.
  • Use universal truths or personal insights that others can relate to.

6. The Flashback

If you’ve been following someone for a while, referencing something they’ve said or posted in the past can create a deeper connection. By showing that you remember their previous content, you’re signaling that you’re invested in their journey, not just their current post.

Why It Works:

This technique demonstrates that you’re not just passively engaging with their content but are genuinely interested in their ideas over time. It also shows that you pay attention, which can make your comment stand out to the author.

How to Do It:

When you see a post that relates to something the author has shared before, bring it up in your comment and explain how the two connect.


“I remember when you posted about [topic] last year, @name. Now it all makes sense why you emphasized it – this new insight ties everything together!”

This kind of comment strengthens your relationship with the author and positions you as someone who is engaged with their long-term ideas.

7. The Attractor

The final step in crafting a valuable comment is leaving something that begs a response. The best comments don’t just end – they invite further conversation. Whether you ask for someone’s opinion or leave an open-ended statement, your goal is to keep the thread alive and encourage others to engage.

Why It Works:

Ending your comment with a statement that encourages others to share their views keeps the conversation going. People are more likely to respond when they feel invited to participate, and this can lead to richer discussions and greater visibility.

How to Do It:

Close your comment with a question or observation that prompts others to share their thoughts.


“Insightful tips, @name! This approach seems to be gaining popularity every day. What do you think is driving this trend?”

By ending with a question, you keep the conversation open and increase the chances of engagement.

Conclusion: Crafting Masterpiece LinkedIn Comments

Don’t settle for generic comments on LinkedIn. By using these 7 easy techniques, you can create comments that not only add value but also boost your visibility, position you as an expert, and open doors for new opportunities.

Better comments = More opportunities.

So next time you’re scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, remember these tips. Thoughtful, engaging comments can make all the difference in how people perceive you and your personal brand.

FAQ: Crafting Effective LinkedIn Comments

Q: How can I make my LinkedIn comments stand out?

A: Start by grabbing attention with your opening line, offer a unique perspective, and ask thoughtful questions. These techniques help your comment stand out from the crowd.

Q: Can adding quotes in comments help with engagement?

A: Absolutely! A well-placed quote or insightful comment can resonate with others, making it more likely to be saved, shared, or replied to.

Q: Should I always agree with the post author?

A: Not necessarily. It’s more valuable to offer a fresh perspective or ask a question that deepens the conversation, rather than simply agreeing with the author.

By following these techniques, you’ll see how much more effective your LinkedIn comments can become. Let your comments open doors for new opportunities and valuable connections.