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August 23, 2024 by Dean Seddon

What Are the Benefits of Commenting on LinkedIn?

Let’s be honest: you’re busy. Your time is valuable, and the last thing you want is to waste it doing things that don’t move the needle. […]

Let’s be honest: you’re busy. Your time is valuable, and the last thing you want is to waste it doing things that don’t move the needle. So, why should you bother commenting on LinkedIn posts? Because if you do it right, it can directly benefit your visibility, credibility, and network – three things that ultimately lead to more opportunities for you.

Here’s why commenting on LinkedIn is worth your time and how it can work in your favour:

1. Expand Your Network – Without Cold DMs

No one likes sending cold messages or trying to ‘network’ with strangers. But commenting on LinkedIn is like networking without the awkwardness. When you comment on a post, you’re instantly visible to a whole new group of people – the original poster’s audience. Think of it like walking into a room full of professionals and introducing yourself without having to do the legwork of finding them.

The result? More people know who you are, which increases your chances of making the right connections – the ones that could lead to new opportunities or partnerships.

2. Get Noticed – By More Than Just the Author

Let’s get real. You don’t just want the person who wrote the post to see you – you want everyone to see you. When you leave a thoughtful comment, it doesn’t just get noticed by the person who posted. The whole audience – everyone engaging with that post – will see your name pop up.

LinkedIn’s algorithm loves engagement, so your comment helps boost the post’s visibility. This means even more people are likely to see your comment. And if you add value with your comment? You’re now on the radar of a wider audience, which could include potential clients, collaborators, or employers.

3. Show Off Your Expertise – Without Writing a Post

Writing a LinkedIn post takes time, and let’s face it – not everyone has the time or energy to craft posts every day. But commenting? That’s quick. When you add insight in a comment, you’re subtly positioning yourself as an expert. And the best part? You didn’t have to write a full-blown article to get your knowledge out there.

Every time you share a useful perspective in a comment, you’re building your reputation as someone who knows their stuff. Over time, this can lead to people seeking you out for advice, collaborations, or even business.

4. Drive People to Your Profile – Without Being Pushy

Here’s the reality: if you leave a great comment, people will click on your profile. It’s human nature – we’re curious. And when they get there, that’s where the magic happens. They see your headline, your experience, and what you do. If you’ve got your profile in order, it’s like free advertising for your services and builds your personal brand.

So, commenting doesn’t just help you build relationships. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to draw people in without coming off as salesy or pushy.

5. Start Conversations That Matter – Without Much Effort

Commenting opens the door to real conversations. You don’t have to wait for someone to start a conversation with you. By leaving thoughtful comments, you can spark discussions that not only keep you visible but also keep you top-of-mind for potential opportunities.

These conversations are often where the real value lies – they can lead to direct messages, collaborations, or even job offers. And all you had to do was leave a comment.

If you’re looking to grow your network, build your personal brand, and get more eyeballs on what you do, commenting on LinkedIn is a no-brainer. It’s a quick, easy way to increase your visibility and credibility without the heavy lift of creating content from scratch.

So next time you scroll through LinkedIn, don’t just skim posts and move on. Drop a comment. Engage. You’ll be surprised at how quickly people start to notice you – and how those simple comments can turn into real opportunities.