consistent LinkedIn comments 2024
Stop Striving for Perfection: Why Consistent LinkedIn Comments Matter More Than Brilliant Ones in 2024
September 6, 2024
Linkedin strategic commenting
From Lurker to Leader: How Daily LinkedIn Commenting Transformed My Life
September 9, 2024
September 6, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

Why LinkedIn Commenting Is the Key to Your Success (Even if You Find It Annoying)

If you’ve ever thought, “Commenting on LinkedIn is annoying,” you’re not alone. Many people feel that engaging with content regularly can be a hassle, especially when […]

If you’ve ever thought, “Commenting on LinkedIn is annoying,” you’re not alone. Many people feel that engaging with content regularly can be a hassle, especially when balancing other responsibilities. But here’s the thing: not being able to pay your bills is more annoying than LinkedIn commenting could ever be. In fact, ignoring the power of LinkedIn engagement might be holding you back from building relationships, creating opportunities, and growing your career or business.

This article will show you why commenting on LinkedIn is crucial for your success, debunk common misconceptions, and provide actionable steps to make LinkedIn commenting a habit that pays off.

Why Lurking on LinkedIn Keeps You Invisible

It’s easy to scroll through LinkedIn without ever engaging. Many people feel they don’t have the time, don’t know what to say, or don’t see the immediate benefit of commenting. But here’s the truth: if you’re just lurking on LinkedIn, you’re invisible.

Without engagement, nobody sees you. Even if your profile is complete, you have a great bio, and you’ve been on LinkedIn for years, it doesn’t matter unless people are noticing you. The best way to become visible is to comment on posts that matter in your industry.

How to Dedicate Time for Commenting Every Day

One of the most common excuses for not commenting on LinkedIn is lack of time. But think of LinkedIn as part of your professional development. Dedicate at least 10-15 minutes every day to reading posts in your network and leaving thoughtful comments.

Here’s how to make it a daily habit:

  • Set a timer: Allocate specific time in your schedule for LinkedIn commenting. Treat it like any other important task.
  • Engage with posts you care about: Start by commenting on posts that genuinely interest you. This will make commenting feel more natural and less like a chore.
  • Follow relevant thought leaders: By engaging regularly with people in your industry, you’ll learn more and gain visibility with the right audience.

Don’t Just Post and Ghost: How to Engage with Your Network

Posting on LinkedIn is great for visibility, but if you’re posting without engaging with others, you’re losing opportunities. People don’t just follow your content—they follow your engagement. If you “post and ghost” (post but don’t engage with others), you lose people.

By supporting your community through comments, likes, and shares, you’re showing that you’re an active part of the conversation. Networking is a two-way street, and LinkedIn is about building relationships, not just broadcasting.

What does genuine engagement look like?

  • Comment on others’ posts: Don’t just wait for people to comment on your content—actively engage with theirs.
  • Follow up: When someone comments on your post, take the time to reply. This shows you’re approachable and invested in conversations.
  • Share and amplify: When someone posts something valuable, share it with your network and add your own thoughts.

Ignoring Your LinkedIn Connections Kills Your Luck

Another common mistake is to ignore your LinkedIn connections. If you’re only focused on broadcasting your own posts and never engaging with your network, you’re missing out on potential opportunities.

Every interaction on LinkedIn is a chance to build a genuine relationship. Ignoring your connections means you’re killing your luck because opportunities often arise from unexpected conversations.

Real-Life Example:

Consider Sarah, a business development professional who used to ignore her LinkedIn connections unless she needed something. Over time, she realized that most of her connections weren’t engaging with her content. When she started commenting on their posts and interacting with their updates regularly, she noticed more profile views, and soon after, opportunities came knocking.

How Genuine Relationships Lead to Opportunities

On LinkedIn, every chat or comment is an opportunity. By building genuine relationships with your connections, you increase your chances of getting noticed when new job openings, collaborations, or partnerships come up.

Think of LinkedIn as a conversation rather than a broadcast platform. The more you engage, the more people will remember you when opportunities arise. Whether it’s a simple like on a post or an in-depth comment, these small interactions open doors you didn’t even know were there.

Opportunities Don’t Wait, and Neither Should You

Opportunities on LinkedIn don’t wait. Whether it’s a job offer, a partnership, or a chance to grow your personal brand, the key is to act now. If you’re sitting back and hoping for things to happen without putting in the effort to engage, you’re likely missing out.

You should dedicate time daily to commenting, engage with your network, and build relationships. Remember, LinkedIn isn’t about overnight success—it’s about consistent effort over time.

Key Actionable Steps:

  • Start by setting aside time for daily engagement.
  • Comment on at least three posts a day to get into the habit of building relationships.
  • Follow up on any comments or messages you receive.
  • Share posts from your network with thoughtful commentary to add value.

FAQ: Answering Common Questions About LinkedIn Commenting

Q: How often should I comment on LinkedIn?

A: Aim to comment on at least 3-5 posts per day. This will keep you visible and engaged with your network without overwhelming your schedule.

Q: Can commenting on LinkedIn really help me build my career?

A: Absolutely. Consistent engagement through commenting helps you build relationships, increase your visibility, and create new opportunities—whether that’s for career growth or business partnerships.

Q: What if I don’t know what to comment?

A: Start simple. You can express appreciation for the post or ask a question to keep the conversation going. For example, “I really liked your point about X—what’s your take on how this will evolve in the future?”

Final Thoughts: Stop Waiting—Start Engaging on LinkedIn Today

If you’ve been lurking on LinkedIn without commenting, or if you’ve been posting without engaging, now is the time to change that. Opportunities don’t wait, and neither should you. By dedicating just a small portion of your day to commenting on LinkedIn and engaging with your connections, you’ll begin to see the benefits.

Start today. Build genuine relationships, support your community, and engage consistently. A whole new world of opportunities is waiting for you.

P.S. Don’t just post and ghost—support your community by engaging with their content regularly. Your next opportunity might be just one comment away.