linkedin commenting is key
Why LinkedIn Commenting Is the Key to Your Success (Even if You Find It Annoying)
September 6, 2024
LinkedIn commenting
5 Reasons You Should Start Commenting on LinkedIn TODAY
September 9, 2024
September 9, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

From Lurker to Leader: How Daily LinkedIn Commenting Transformed My Life

For 23 months, I stayed silent on LinkedIn. For 667 days, I scrolled through posts, observed, and absorbed information – but never commented. Like many, I […]

For 23 months, I stayed silent on LinkedIn.

For 667 days, I scrolled through posts, observed, and absorbed information – but never commented. Like many, I was just a lurker, afraid to speak up. But one day, I realized something had to change.

I was missing out on the real power of LinkedIn, and it wasn’t in passive consumption – it was in engagement. That’s when I started studying some of the best commenters on the platform, learning from their strategies, and eventually began commenting every day.

The results were transformational.

Here’s what happened when I committed to daily LinkedIn commenting, and why you should do the same.

What Happened When I Started Commenting on LinkedIn Daily

The change didn’t happen overnight, but as I committed to commenting on LinkedIn every day, I started to see real, measurable results. These weren’t just vanity metrics – these were life-changing outcomes. Here’s what I achieved:

1. Improved My Copywriting Skills

Every day I wrote comments, I was practicing and refining my writing. I got better at crafting concise, engaging thoughts quickly. Commenting is, in essence, micro-copywriting – it forces you to be direct, clear, and engaging within a few sentences. Over time, my ability to write compelling copy improved dramatically, and I started noticing this in my longer-form writing as well.

2. Increased Visibility and Impressions

As I commented more, my LinkedIn impressions shot up. Comments appear on your followers’ feeds, and the more you engage, the more visibility you gain. Each comment gave me more exposure, which led to more people checking out my profile and posts. Before I knew it, my personal brand on LinkedIn was getting the attention I had once only dreamed of.

3. Met Amazing People

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool, but you don’t meet people by staying silent. Through my comments, I started building relationships with like-minded professionals, thought leaders, and industry experts. People began recognizing my name and engaging with me, which led to conversations in direct messages, collaborations, and friendships that I never would have found just lurking.

4. Got Podcast Invitations

One of the unexpected outcomes of my increased visibility and engagement was that I started receiving podcast invitations. As people noticed my expertise in comments, they saw value in having me share my insights on a broader platform. This opened up more opportunities for me to get my voice heard and expand my reach beyond LinkedIn.

5. Landed New Clients

Most importantly, consistent LinkedIn commenting brought new business opportunities my way. Potential clients who saw my thoughtful comments reached out directly, asking if I could help them with their copywriting needs. Without these daily comments, I wouldn’t have gotten these opportunities.

Why Commenting on LinkedIn Is More Powerful Than You Think

For many users, LinkedIn still feels like a glorified resume board – a place to list your accomplishments, find jobs, and passively watch what others are doing. But LinkedIn has evolved into much more than that. LinkedIn commenting is the key to unlocking its true potential.

Here’s why LinkedIn commenting is so powerful:

1. LinkedIn’s Algorithm Rewards Engagement

LinkedIn’s algorithm values active participation, and commenting is one of the best ways to show the platform that you’re engaged. The more you comment, the more the algorithm pushes your profile into feeds. Your activity is visible not only to your connections but also to people beyond your immediate network, increasing your reach significantly.

2. Build Credibility and Thought Leadership

Thoughtful comments allow you to showcase your expertise in bite-sized pieces. Over time, people start recognizing you as a knowledgeable, credible figure in your niche. Comments are an easy way to build your reputation as a thought leader without needing to write lengthy posts every day.

3. Network Without the Awkwardness

Networking can feel intimidating, especially if you’re not sure how to initiate conversations. Commenting on LinkedIn offers a low-pressure way to start engaging with people. A simple, thoughtful comment can open doors to meaningful conversations and connections that would feel awkward if approached cold.

My Action Step for You: Write Your First Comment ASAP

I know firsthand how hard it can be to get started with commenting on LinkedIn. I avoided it for almost two years! But if you want to unlock the real power of the platform, you need to take that first step and write your first comment.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Find a Post That Resonates With You: Look for a post that aligns with your interests or expertise. This makes it easier to add a thoughtful comment.
  2. Keep It Simple: Your comment doesn’t need to be groundbreaking. Start with something like, “Great insight, I’ve been thinking about this topic too,” or “This is an interesting point. I’d love to know more about [specific aspect].”
  3. Hit Post Without Overthinking: The key is to start. Don’t overanalyze whether your comment is perfect. The more you comment, the more comfortable you’ll become.

FAQ: Common Concerns About LinkedIn Commenting

Q: How often should I comment on LinkedIn?

A: Start by aiming for at least one comment per day. As you get comfortable, you can increase this to two or three comments a day. Consistency is key – just make sure your comments are thoughtful and relevant.

Q: What if my LinkedIn comment doesn’t get likes or responses?

A: Don’t get discouraged. The point is to build consistency, not immediate popularity. Over time, people will notice your activity, and engagement will grow as your network expands.

Q: Can LinkedIn commenting really help me get clients?

A: Absolutely. By consistently adding value through your comments, you build credibility and trust. This often leads to people reaching out to you for business opportunities. I personally landed new clients through LinkedIn commenting.

Why You Should Stop Lurking and Start Commenting

If you’ve been lurking on LinkedIn for months or years, just observing without engaging, it’s time to make a change. LinkedIn is more than a resume board, and the real magic happens when you engage with others.

You don’t need to write a viral post to make an impact. Simply start commenting. By showing up consistently, you’ll see improvements in your writing, visibility, and network, and you might even land new business opportunities like I did.

Your action step: Write your first comment today. Trust me, it will open doors.

Final Thoughts: LinkedIn Commenting is the Key to Growth

For 23 months, I was just a LinkedIn lurker. I avoided commenting because I didn’t see its value. But once I started commenting daily, everything changed: my copywriting improved, my visibility soared, and new opportunities flowed my way.

Don’t wait as long as I did. Start commenting today and see where it takes you.

P.S. Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being present and consistent.