LinkedIn commenting
5 Reasons You Should Start Commenting on LinkedIn TODAY
September 9, 2024
Effective LinkedIn commenting
9 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Commenting 99.9% Effective
September 10, 2024
September 9, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

ATTENTION: LinkedIn Non-Premium Account Owners – A Change is Coming! Here’s How to Turn It Into an Opportunity

If you’re using a non-premium LinkedIn account, you may have heard about the upcoming limitation on personalized connection requests. Soon, you’ll be restricted to sending just […]

If you’re using a non-premium LinkedIn account, you may have heard about the upcoming limitation on personalized connection requests. Soon, you’ll be restricted to sending just 10 personalized connection requests per week. For many, this sounds like a frustrating limitation. But what if I told you this could actually be an opportunity?

Instead of focusing on the restrictions, it’s time to shift your mindset and make LinkedIn work for you in a whole new way. What if you could have potential clients, employers, or collaborators come to YOU instead of chasing them down with cold connection requests? The secret lies in the hidden power of LinkedIn commenting.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can adapt to the new rules by leveraging comments to increase visibility, build connections, and turn this challenge into a golden opportunity.

The New Rule: Limited Personalized Connection Requests

LinkedIn’s upcoming rule will limit non-premium users to only 10 personalized connection requests per week. While this might sound like a major roadblock, it’s essential to understand that you can still grow your network and generate leads through more organic methods.

Sending out hundreds of cold requests is no longer the way forward. Connection requests are becoming less effective as people grow wary of spammy outreach and meaningless introductions. With fewer connection requests available, you’ll need to be more strategic – and LinkedIn commenting provides the perfect solution.

Why Commenting is the Key to Success on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is designed as a platform for professionals to connect and engage with each other. But many users spend their time lurking – scrolling through posts without interacting, liking, or commenting. This passive behavior keeps you hidden from LinkedIn’s algorithm and from potential connections.

Here’s why LinkedIn commenting can transform your experience on the platform:

  • Increased Visibility: Each time you comment on a post, you’re exposing your profile to the original poster’s network, as well as anyone else who engages with the post. The more comments you leave, the more likely people are to visit your profile and connect with you.
  • Position Yourself as an Expert: By leaving thoughtful comments, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field. People will begin to recognize you as someone who has valuable insights to offer.
  • Build Relationships Organically: Instead of sending cold connection requests, use comments to build relationships over time. When people see you engaging with their content regularly, they’re more likely to connect with you without you having to send a request.

Now, let’s dive deeper into how to use LinkedIn commenting strategically.

Stop Being a Lurker: Start Conversations

One of the biggest mistakes non-premium LinkedIn users make is lurking – scrolling through content without engaging. If you want to stand out and grow your network, this has to change.

Start by commenting on posts that genuinely interest you. Look for content in your industry, thought leadership posts, and discussions that align with your expertise. Don’t just like or react – leave a meaningful comment. This is how you start conversations that lead to connections.

How to Start Commenting:

  • Find Posts Relevant to Your Industry: Search for industry-specific hashtags or follow thought leaders in your field.
  • Engage Thoughtfully: When you comment, ask questions or add your own perspective. Avoid generic comments like “Great post!” Instead, say something like, “This really resonated with me because I’ve had a similar experience with [specific issue].”

Example Comment:

If someone posts about the importance of remote work in your industry, instead of just agreeing, you could comment:
“I completely agree with this, @name! In my own experience, remote work has improved not only productivity but also team morale. Do you think the trend toward remote work will continue in industries that are traditionally office-based?”

This opens the door for further discussion and shows that you’re genuinely interested in the topic.

Be Genuine: Share Your Unique Ideas

When you engage with posts, don’t just echo what others are saying. Use the opportunity to share your own unique insights. Authenticity is key to standing out on LinkedIn.

Sharing your personal experiences, even if they differ from the majority opinion, can make your comments more memorable. People appreciate authenticity, and this is what will make others want to connect with you. Being genuine will set you apart from the sea of generic LinkedIn users who post the same tired comments.


Imagine you see a post about how to increase sales through cold outreach. Instead of agreeing with everyone else, share your unique take:
“While cold outreach can work. I’ve found that building relationships through consistent commenting on LinkedIn posts has been more effective in the long term. It’s a slower process, but the trust you build makes a huge difference. @name”

This comment not only shares your experience but also ties back to LinkedIn commenting, reinforcing your expertise in this area.

Give Value: Help, Inspire, Support

Another key element of effective LinkedIn commenting is giving value. When you leave a comment, think about how you can help, inspire, or support the conversation. This could mean answering a question, providing additional resources, or offering encouragement.

The more value you provide through your comments, the more likely people will see you as a helpful, knowledgeable person in your field. This, in turn, makes people want to engage with you and build a relationship.

How to Give Value in Comments:

  • Offer Solutions: If someone is asking a question or facing a challenge, provide helpful advice based on your experience.
  • Share Resources: If you’ve come across a useful article, tool, or guide related to the topic, share it with the group.
  • Encourage Others: Support people in the conversation by acknowledging their insights and contributions. Sometimes, a little encouragement goes a long way.


“I struggled with the same issue a few months ago, @name. One thing that helped me was using [tool/resource]. It made a big difference in how I managed my workload.”

By giving value through comments, you establish yourself as someone who genuinely cares about helping others, which builds trust and opens doors to new opportunities.

How to Adapt and Turn Challenges Into Benefits

With the upcoming limit on personalized connection requests, you have two choices: you can either complain about the limitation or adapt to make it work in your favor. The truth is, limits on connection requests don’t have to be a barrier. Instead, they can push you toward more meaningful, organic engagement – the kind that actually works better in the long run.

By focusing on what you can control, such as your commenting strategy, you’ll see that this change is an opportunity to shift toward more authentic and effective networking.

Conclusion: LinkedIn Commenting Is Your Secret Weapon

If you’re a non-premium LinkedIn account owner, the upcoming limitation on connection requests may seem frustrating. But in reality, it’s an opportunity to shift your strategy. LinkedIn commenting is one of the most powerful ways to grow your network, build your personal brand, and establish yourself as an expert – all without sending a single connection request.


  • Stopping the habit of lurking and starting conversations,
  • Being genuine and sharing your unique ideas,
  • And giving value to others through your comments,

You can take full control of your LinkedIn presence and have clients, collaborators, and job opportunities come to you.

So don’t wait until the new rule takes effect. Start engaging today. Set aside just 15 minutes a day to comment on posts, offer insights, and build relationships. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your professional life.

FAQ: Common Questions About LinkedIn Commenting

Q: How will the new limit on connection requests affect non-premium LinkedIn users?

A: The upcoming rule will limit non-premium LinkedIn accounts to sending only 10 personalized connection requests per week. However, you can still grow your network effectively through organic engagement, like commenting on posts.

Q: Can LinkedIn commenting really help me grow my network?

A: Absolutely! LinkedIn commenting is a powerful way to build relationships, increase visibility, and grow your network. By consistently leaving valuable comments, you can attract people to your profile without needing to send connection requests.

Q: How can I stand out with my LinkedIn comments?

A: Be authentic, share your unique insights, and offer value in every comment. Avoid generic comments like “Great post!” Instead, add to the conversation by sharing your own experiences, asking questions, or providing solutions.

By focusing on LinkedIn commenting as your primary strategy, you can adapt to the new rules and continue to grow your network, personal brand, and professional success. Don’t let the changes limit you – turn them into your advantage!