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Massively Underrated LinkedIn Tip: Treat Your Comments Like Posts
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9 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Commenting 99.9% Effective

LinkedIn commenting is one of the most powerful ways to build relationships, grow your network, and establish your expertise. But not all comments are created equal. […]

LinkedIn commenting is one of the most powerful ways to build relationships, grow your network, and establish your expertise. But not all comments are created equal. Some comments spark meaningful discussions, while others go unnoticed or even harm your credibility. If you want to stand out, you need to make your commenting strategy more effective and engaging.

Here are 9 ways to ensure your LinkedIn comments are 99.9% effective, helping you get noticed, foster engagement, and build stronger professional relationships.

1. One Point at a Time: Keep Your Comment Focused

One of the most common mistakes people make in their comments is trying to say too much at once. Instead of making your comment a long-winded discussion on multiple topics, focus on one key idea. When you present a clear, concise point, it’s easier for others to engage with and respond to your comment.

Why It Works:

When you stick to one idea, your comment is more likely to be understood and remembered. People appreciate clarity and directness. Plus, it keeps the conversation focused, which leads to more meaningful exchanges.


Instead of commenting, “Consistency and efficiency are both important when creating content,” try narrowing it down: “Consistency is key to building trust with your audience.”

2. Forget the Jargon: Use Simple, Clear Language

LinkedIn is a professional platform, but that doesn’t mean you need to use technical jargon or overly complex language to sound credible. In fact, using simple, accessible language can make your comments more effective and relatable. Remember, you’re trying to start conversations, not confuse people.

Why It Works:

When you simplify your language, more people understand and engage with your comments. Jargon can alienate readers who may not be familiar with specific terms, reducing the chances of a meaningful interaction.


Instead of saying, “This UI update enhances the CX experience,” try saying, “The new design makes the website more user-friendly.”

3. Stay on Topic: Keep Your Comment Relevant

One of the most important rules of commenting is to stay on topic. Deviating from the subject of the post or bringing in unrelated points can confuse the discussion and make your comment seem off-base. It’s essential to ensure your comment directly relates to the post you’re engaging with.

Why It Works:

Staying on topic shows respect for the original post and helps keep the conversation flowing. It also demonstrates that you’ve read and understood the content, which can lead to more thoughtful responses.


If the post is about outreach strategies, don’t go into a discussion about graphic design or marketing tools. Share your insight about outreaching.

4. Keep It Concise: Shorter is Often Better

When it comes to LinkedIn comments, brevity is your friend. While it’s important to be thoughtful, it’s equally important to avoid over-explaining or using more words than necessary. If you can say something in fewer words, do so.

Why It Works:

Shorter comments are easier to read and quicker to engage with. People on LinkedIn are often browsing multiple posts at once, so a concise, well-written comment is more likely to be read and appreciated.


Instead of writing, “In my experience, I’ve found that the best approach to increasing audience engagement is by being consistent with content,” try writing, “Consistency is the key to increasing engagement.”

5. Avoid Multitasking: Stay Focused While Commenting

We’ve all been there—trying to leave a LinkedIn comment while watching TV or multitasking on another task. But to make your commenting more effective, it’s crucial to be focused and present while writing. Multitasking can lead to mistakes, irrelevant comments, or misinterpreting the post entirely.

Why It Works:

When you’re focused solely on crafting your comment, it’s likely to be more thoughtful and relevant. Distractions can lead to errors, which can harm your credibility or make your comment seem rushed.


If you’re commenting while watching Netflix or listening to a podcast, you might miss key details of the post you’re responding to. Instead, take a few minutes to fully read the post and craft a well-thought-out response.

6. No Promotions: Avoid Self-Promotion in Comments

One of the quickest ways to turn people off on LinkedIn is by using comments as a space to promote your business, products, or services. LinkedIn is a platform for conversations and building relationships—not for blatant self-promotion. If you’re going to share a link, make sure it adds real value to the discussion.

Why It Works:

People can spot promotional comments a mile away, and they don’t appreciate it. Instead of trying to sell something in your comment, focus on contributing value to the conversation. If people see that you’re knowledgeable and helpful, they’ll naturally want to learn more about you and what you do.


Instead of commenting, “Check out my website for more tips,” try sharing a helpful resource that’s relevant to the conversation. For example, “I recently read a great article on this topic that might help – here’s the link.”

7. Use Examples to Illustrate Your Points

When you’re making a point or offering advice, one of the most effective ways to communicate is by using real-world examples. Examples help illustrate your point and make it more relatable to the person reading your comment. They also provide context, making your comment more impactful.

Why It Works:

People respond well to examples because they make abstract ideas more concrete. By grounding your comment in a real-world scenario, you make it easier for others to understand and engage with your point.


Instead of saying, “This strategy can improve your sales,” you can say, “The XYZ strategy helped Sony increase sales by 20% during their latest TV promotion.”

8. Ask for More: Encourage Discussions, Don’t Just Echo

One of the best ways to make your comment stand out is by asking questions. Instead of just echoing what’s already been said, try to advance the conversation by asking meaningful, thought-provoking questions. This invites others to engage with your comment and keeps the discussion going.

Why It Works:

Asking questions encourages interaction. It turns a one-sided comment into a two-way conversation and signals that you’re genuinely interested in what others have to say. Plus, questions are more likely to get responses than statements.


Instead of writing, “I agree with this point,” try asking, “How do you think this strategy will change in the next few years?” This opens up the conversation for deeper discussion and engagement.

9. Review Before Posting: Edit and Improve Your Comment

Before hitting “post,” take a moment to review your comment. Sometimes, a quick glance can reveal typos, unclear phrasing, or opportunities to make your comment stronger. Taking the extra time to edit your comment can make all the difference in how it’s received.

Why It Works:

Comments with typos or unclear language can come across as sloppy or rushed, which can hurt your credibility. A well-edited comment, on the other hand, looks professional and thoughtful.


Before posting, ask yourself:

  • Does this comment add value to the conversation?
  • Is it clear and concise?
  • Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes?

A quick review can ensure that your comment is polished and ready to make a positive impact.

The Bottom Line: Effective Comments Lead to Better Interactions

Effective commenting on LinkedIn is more than just a way to engage with posts. It’s a strategic move that can improve your visibility, strengthen your network, and establish you as a thought leader in your industry. By following these 9 tips, you can make sure your comments are not only seen but also valued by others in your network.


  • Focus on one point at a time to keep your comment clear.
  • Avoid jargon and use simple language to make your comments more accessible.
  • Stay on topic to ensure your comment is relevant.
  • Keep it concise—shorter comments are easier to engage with.
  • Focus while commenting to avoid errors.
  • Avoid self-promotion, and only share links that add value.
  • Use examples to illustrate your points and make them more relatable.
  • Ask questions to encourage discussion.
  • Review your comment before posting to ensure it’s polished and effective.

Use these tips daily and you’ll find that LinkedIn commenting becomes one of your most powerful tools for building relationships, increasing visibility, and growing your personal brand.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About LinkedIn Commenting

Q: How can commenting on LinkedIn help me grow my network?

A: Consistent, thoughtful comments increase your visibility and establish you as a knowledgeable expert in your field. Over time, people will start to recognize your name and want to connect with you.

Q: How can I make my LinkedIn comments stand out?

A: Focus on being concise, staying on topic, and adding value with thoughtful insights or questions. Using examples and avoiding self-promotion also helps your comments stand out.

Q: Should I comment on posts even if I don’t know the author personally?

A: Yes! Commenting on posts from people outside your immediate network can help you build new connections and expand your reach on LinkedIn.

By integrating these strategies into your LinkedIn commenting routine, you’ll maximize the impact of every comment. Start practicing these tips today to make your comments 99.9% effective!