Effective LinkedIn commenting
9 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Commenting 99.9% Effective
September 10, 2024
LinkedIn comment tip
1 Simple Hack to Turn a LinkedIn Comment from Good to Great
September 11, 2024
September 10, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

Massively Underrated LinkedIn Tip: Treat Your Comments Like Posts

When you think of engaging on LinkedIn, what comes to mind? Posting articles, sharing updates, and commenting on others’ content. But there’s a massively underrated LinkedIn […]

When you think of engaging on LinkedIn, what comes to mind? Posting articles, sharing updates, and commenting on others’ content. But there’s a massively underrated LinkedIn tip that many professionals overlook: Treat your comments like posts.

Most LinkedIn users drop short, vague comments like “Great post!” or “Thanks for sharing!” While these comments might acknowledge the content, they do nothing to build relationships, drive engagement, or position you as an authority. If you shift your mindset and treat each comment with the same effort and thought you’d put into a post, the results can be transformative.

In this article, we’ll break down exactly how to make your LinkedIn comments more effective, why this approach works, and actionable strategies you can start using today to improve your visibility, engage meaningfully with your network, and open new doors for opportunities.

Why Treat Your Comments Like Posts?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and each interaction is an opportunity to build your personal brand, connect with influencers, and generate opportunities.

Here’s why you should start thinking of comments as more than just quick responses:

1. Every Comment is a Chance to Make an Impression

Your comments are public and visible not only to the person who posted but also to their entire network. Treating each comment as a mini-post allows you to make a stronger, more positive impression. A thoughtful, well-crafted comment shows that you’re engaged, knowledgeable, and willing to contribute to the conversation. This can help you stand out and attract attention.

2. Comments Build Relationships

When you comment thoughtfully, people take notice. Engaging meaningfully through comments can lead to ongoing conversations, stronger connections, and potentially new business or career opportunities. By treating your comments like posts, you position yourself as a valuable contributor in discussions, making people more likely to respond, connect, or follow you.

3. Comments Enhance Your Visibility

LinkedIn’s algorithm prioritizes engagement. This means that when you leave thoughtful comments, it increases your visibility. The more people like, reply to, or share your comment, the more likely it is to show up in others’ feeds. A powerful comment can extend your reach far beyond your immediate connections.

The Problem: Why Your Comments May Be Ignored

If you’re leaving comments on LinkedIn but not getting much engagement, it’s likely because your comments are too brief, generic, or off-topic. Here’s a breakdown of the most common issues:

1. You Don’t Know What to Say

One of the main challenges many users face is simply not knowing what to say. You might want to engage, but finding the right words can be difficult, leading to short, uninspired comments like “Good point!” or “Great advice.” These comments rarely spark engagement.

2. Your Comments Lack Substance

Even if you take the time to comment, if it’s short and doesn’t add value to the conversation, it can go unnoticed. Comments like, “Interesting post!” are generic and don’t invite further discussion, leaving your engagement flat.

3. No One is Noticing Your Comments

If you’re not treating your comments with the same attention you give to a post, chances are they’re not making an impact. Without engaging content, people won’t interact with your comments, and they will likely be lost in a sea of similar, uninspired responses.

The Solution: How to Treat Your Comments Like Posts

If you want to turn your comments into opportunities, treat them like mini-posts. This doesn’t mean they have to be long, but they should be thoughtful, valuable, and well-structured. Here’s how to do it:

1. Commenter AI Can Spark Meaningful Comments

If you’re stuck on what to say, consider using tools like Commenter AI to help you craft insightful, relevant comments. Our tool analyze the content of a post and suggest ways to respond that add value to the conversation. By starting with AI-generated ideas, you can save time and ensure your comments are meaningful.

2. Reflect on Your Experience: Share or Ask

Your experience is your greatest asset. When you see a post that resonates with you, instead of just agreeing, reflect on your experience and share a story or lesson. Better yet, ask a thoughtful question that continues the discussion. This makes your comment not only more personal but also more engaging.

For example, instead of commenting, “Great tips on productivity!” try this: “Brilliant post, @Mike. I’ve struggled with productivity myself, especially while juggling multiple projects. One method that’s worked for me is time-blocking. I have tried many different tactics but this one has never failed me.”

This comment adds value, shares personal experience, and invites further discussion – all key elements of a great post.

3. Tell Your Story, Be Memorable

LinkedIn is filled with people sharing their thoughts and experiences, but what sets you apart is your unique story. Use comments to share moments from your career or personal life that relate to the post. People are more likely to remember you if your comment is authentic and tells a story.

For example: “@Manny, your post reminds me of a time early in my career. I took a big risk on a project and It didn’t work out. But I learned invaluable lessons about resilience and adaptability that still guide me today. Failures often come with many growth opportunities. So don’t be afraid to try new things and fail (you’ll learn)!”

By sharing a personal story, you create a deeper connection with readers, making your comment more engaging and memorable.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Write LinkedIn Comments Like Posts

Now that you understand the value of treating your comments like posts, let’s break it down into a step-by-step guide:

1. Read the Post Carefully

Before commenting, take the time to thoroughly read the post. Make sure you fully understand the topic and the key points being made. This ensures that your comment is relevant and contributes to the conversation in a meaningful way.

2. Choose a Key Point to Focus On

Instead of trying to cover multiple points, focus on one key idea from the post. This keeps your comment concise and on-topic. Think of it as narrowing down the most important takeaway or insight that you can add to.

3. Add Value: Share Insights 

The best comments add value to the conversation. You can do this by:

  • Sharing an insight from your own experience.
  • Being controversial but respectful, people love different
  • Sharing a relatable story, we all love stories.

Always aim to contribute something meaningful that builds on the original post.

4. Be Concise, But Thoughtful

While it’s important to treat your comments like posts, that doesn’t mean they need to be long. Shorter comments can still be impactful as long as they’re thoughtful and well-crafted. Focus on quality over quantity – say what you need to say in a few sentences, but make sure it adds value.

5. Review Before Posting

Before hitting “post,” take a moment to review your comment. Check for any typos or unclear phrasing, and make sure your comment is relevant and polished. A quick review can make all the difference in how your comment is perceived.

Examples of Treating Comments Like Posts

To put these strategies into practice, here are some real-world examples of how to turn basic comments into engaging, post-like responses:

Generic Comment: “Great advice on leadership! Thanks for sharing.”

Upgraded Comment: “I agree with your take on leadership. One approach that’s worked for me is leading by example, especially when facing difficult challenges. It not only builds trust but also sets the standard for the team. How do you balance leading by example with delegation?”

Generic Comment: “This is interesting.”

Upgraded Comment: “Your post on remote work struck a chord with me. I transitioned my team to remote work last year, and while it’s been a challenge, it’s also led to more flexibility and productivity. Do you think the shift to remote work will continue long-term, or is it just a temporary trend?”

Why This Strategy Works

1. Builds Your Personal Brand

When you treat your comments like posts, you’re actively building your personal brand. People will start to see you as someone who offers thoughtful, valuable insights. This enhances your reputation and increases your visibility within your industry.

2. Encourages Engagement

Thoughtful comments are more likely to spark engagement. People respond to meaningful interactions, and by treating your comments as posts, you invite further conversation, turning a simple comment into a full discussion.

3. Attracts Opportunities

When your comments are insightful and engaging, they attract the right kind of attention. Opportunities for collaboration, networking, or even new business can arise from a well-placed, thoughtful comment. Treating your comments like posts increases the chances that the right people will take notice.

Conclusion: Your Comments Are Opportunities

Treating your LinkedIn comments like mini-posts is one of the most underrated but effective ways to grow your network, build your personal brand, and attract new opportunities. Every comment is a chance to showcase your expertise, start a conversation, and make connections.

By shifting your mindset and putting more thought into your comments, you’ll find that they’re no longer ignored or forgotten. Instead, they become powerful tools for engagement and relationship-building.

Start today. The next time you’re about to comment on LinkedIn, treat it like a post. Take a few extra moments to add value, share a story, or ask a question. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your visibility, relationships, and opportunities.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About LinkedIn Commenting

Q: How long should my LinkedIn comments be?

A: Your comments don’t need to be long to be effective. Focus on adding value rather than length. A few sentences that offer insights or ask thoughtful questions are often more impactful than a lengthy comment that doesn’t add substance.

Q: How can I come up with ideas for commenting?

A: Reflect on your own experiences, share a relevant story, or ask a question based on the post’s content. You can also use tools like Commenter AI to generate ideas for thoughtful responses.

Q: Can commenting really lead to new opportunities on LinkedIn?

A: Absolutely! Thoughtful comments can lead to new connections, business opportunities, and even job offers. Engaging meaningfully with others on LinkedIn is a great way to build relationships and expand your network.

Don’t treat commenting like most people.

Get he most out of it with your mini-post comments. And you will see the difference.