linkedin content comments
Why You Don’t Need Hundreds of LinkedIn Comments: Focus on Quality, Not Quantity
September 18, 2024
LinkedIn success
The 1 Crucial Secret to LinkedIn Success (Most Creators Don’t Realize It)
September 20, 2024
September 20, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

The 1 Thing That Could Ruin Your Personal Brand: Cold DMs

There’s one tactic on LinkedIn that annoys many and, if not done correctly, can significantly damage your personal brand: cold DMs. You’ve probably received them before […]

There’s one tactic on LinkedIn that annoys many and, if not done correctly, can significantly damage your personal brand: cold DMs. You’ve probably received them before – messages that feel intrusive, salesy, or just plain desperate. And if you’ve ever sent them, you may have noticed they don’t often lead to meaningful connections or business opportunities.

In fact, cold DMs can leave a negative impression and push potential connections away rather than drawing them in. But before you give up on outreach altogether, there’s a better way to connect with people in 2024 – and it starts with something much more subtle and authentic: commenting.

Why Cold DMs Fail (And How They Can Damage Your Brand)

Let’s start with the problem: why are cold DMs so ineffective? Here’s why they can be such a brand killer:

1. Intrusiveness

Cold DMs can feel like a sudden invasion of someone’s space. Imagine walking up to a stranger and immediately launching into a sales pitch. That’s how a cold DM feels. It catches the recipient off guard and, more often than not, leaves them feeling annoyed or uncomfortable.

2. Lack of Connection

People want to build relationships on LinkedIn, not be bombarded with unsolicited sales pitches. Cold DMs often come across as transactional rather than genuine, which makes it hard to build a real connection. The best relationships take time to build, and cold DMs don’t allow that process to happen naturally.

3. Salesy or Desperate Tone

Many cold DMs reek of desperation. They focus too much on the sender’s goals – making a sale, getting a call, or booking a meeting – and too little on the recipient’s needs. This approach doesn’t show value; it only alienates potential connections.

The 2024 & Beyond Way to Do It: Start With Commenting

If cold DMs are ruining your outreach strategy, what’s the alternative? The answer is surprisingly simple: start with commenting. By engaging with others through thoughtful comments, you can warm up your audience before you ever send a direct message. Commenting is a way to give before you ask – and that changes the entire dynamic.

Why Commenting Works:

  • It’s Giving, Not Taking: When you comment on someone’s post, you’re offering your thoughts, insights, or feedback. You’re providing value upfront, with no strings attached.
  • It Demonstrates Your Expertise: Your comments are an opportunity to showcase your knowledge and skills without being pushy. People will see your expertise organically through your contributions.
  • It’s Authentic: Comments feel natural because they’re part of an open conversation. They create a two-way dialogue that helps you build rapport.

How to Transition From Commenting to DMs

After establishing a connection through meaningful comments, transitioning to a DM no longer feels like cold outreach – it feels like a natural continuation of the conversation. Here’s how to make the switch without coming across as pushy:

1. Build Rapport Through Comments

Start by leaving thoughtful, valuable comments on your target’s posts. Don’t just say “Great post!” – instead, add your unique insights, ask questions, or share your own experiences related to the topic. Over time, you’ll build a rapport with the person, and they’ll start to recognize your name.

2. Reference Your Comment in the DM

Once you’ve established a connection through comments, sending a DM feels more organic. When you do reach out, make sure to reference the posts you’ve commented on and the conversations you’ve already had in public.

Example: “Hey [Name], I loved the discussion we had in the comments of your post about [Topic]. Your perspective really resonated with me, and I’d love to continue the conversation. Would you be open to a quick chat?”

This way, your message isn’t coming out of nowhere – it’s a natural next step.

3. Keep the Focus on Them

Even when transitioning to DMs, keep the focus on the other person. Your goal is to build a genuine relationship, not to pitch your services right away. Ask thoughtful questions, show genuine interest in their work, and offer any additional value you can provide.

Why Warm Outreach Beats Cold Outreach

By starting with commenting, you’re laying the foundation for a warm connection. Unlike cold outreach, where you’re essentially asking for something from a stranger, warm outreach feels natural, respectful, and welcomed. Here’s why it’s so much more effective:

1. It Builds Trust

When you take the time to engage with someone’s content through comments, you’re showing that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say. This helps build trust, which is crucial for any successful business relationship.

2. It Demonstrates Your Value

Cold DMs rarely demonstrate why the recipient should care about your message. But when you engage through comments first, you’re proving your value through your insights and expertise, making people more receptive to your future messages.

3. It Feels Like a Real Connection

Cold outreach often feels transactional and one-sided. Warm outreach, on the other hand, feels like a relationship. You’ve already established a connection through comments, so the conversation flows more naturally when you move to direct messages.

Stop Letting Cold DMs Ruin Your Brand

It’s time to stop relying on cold DMs that hurt your brand and start building genuine connections through thoughtful comments. Here’s how to make the switch and grow your network the right way:

  1. Focus on Giving First: Don’t start by asking for something – start by giving. Whether it’s advice, feedback, or an interesting perspective, your comments should add value before you ever send a DM.
  2. Be Patient: Building meaningful relationships takes time. Don’t rush the process by jumping into DMs too soon. Engage consistently through comments, and let the relationship develop naturally.
  3. Respect the Relationship: When you do send a DM, don’t make it about selling. Reference the conversation you’ve been having and focus on deepening the relationship.

The Benefits of Warm Outreach

When you approach people through thoughtful comments and warm outreach, you’re playing the long game – and that’s where the real rewards are. Warm connections lead to more opportunities, stronger business relationships, and a better reputation for your personal brand.

  • Better Reception: Warm outreach feels less like an interruption and more like a conversation, making it more likely that people will respond positively.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: You’re far more likely to convert a warm connection into a client, partner, or collaborator because you’ve already established trust and rapport.
  • Stronger Brand Reputation: By building relationships slowly and thoughtfully, you’ll strengthen your personal brand as someone who is authentic, trustworthy, and adds value.

Final Thoughts: Warm Outreach Beats Cold DMs Every Time

In 2024, it’s clear that cold DMs are no longer the way to go. They’re intrusive, impersonal, and can easily harm your personal brand. But by starting with meaningful comments and focusing on building relationships, you’ll turn what could have been cold outreach into a warm, welcoming conversation.

Remember, it’s not about the quantity of messages you send, but the quality of the relationships you build. Use your comments to show respect, offer value, and pave the way for warm, genuine connections that lead to real business growth.

FAQ: Why Cold DMs Hurt Your Personal Brand

Q: Why are cold DMs so ineffective?

A: Cold DMs are often seen as intrusive and pushy. They focus too much on the sender’s goals (like making a sale) and not enough on building a relationship with the recipient.

Q: How can I build a connection without using cold DMs?

A: Start by engaging with people through thoughtful comments on their posts. Provide value, ask questions, and show interest in their work. This creates a warm connection before you ever send a direct message.

Q: Why is warm outreach better than cold outreach?

A: Warm outreach builds trust and rapport before you make an ask. People are more likely to respond positively when you’ve already established a connection through valuable engagement.

By following this strategy, you’ll not only avoid the pitfalls of cold DMs but also build meaningful relationships that can help grow your personal brand and your business. Let your comments pave the way for deeper connections, and watch how warm outreach transforms your networking approach.