What Are the Benefits of Commenting on LinkedIn?
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consistent LinkedIn comments 2024
Stop Striving for Perfection: Why Consistent LinkedIn Comments Matter More Than Brilliant Ones in 2024
September 6, 2024
September 6, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

How to Overcome Your Fear of Commenting on LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Strategy for Introverts in 2024

If you’re an introvert, the thought of posting a comment on LinkedIn might make you feel uneasy. You might fear being judged or think that your […]

If you’re an introvert, the thought of posting a comment on LinkedIn might make you feel uneasy. You might fear being judged or think that your comments won’t add value. But here’s the truth: commenting on LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful way to build connections, grow your personal brand, and engage with professionals in your field.

In 2024, LinkedIn engagement is more important than ever, both for networking and SEO. But how do you get started, especially if you’re shy or introverted? In this guide, I’ll share an actionable plan that will help you overcome your fear of commenting and develop the habit of engagement.

Why Commenting on LinkedIn Matters in 2024

Before diving into how you can overcome your fear of commenting, let’s take a moment to understand why this matters.

LinkedIn has evolved far beyond a platform for job seekers; it’s now a hub for content creation, thought leadership, and personal branding. Engaging with posts helps you gain visibility, build relationships, and grow your network. Plus, it feeds LinkedIn’s algorithm, pushing your profile in front of more people. This is key in 2024, as both LinkedIn’s algorithm and Google’s SEO increasingly value social engagement.

Engagement on LinkedIn signals to search engines that you are an active and authoritative voice in your niche, which helps with personal SEO—making your profile or content more likely to rank in search results, both on LinkedIn and Google.

Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Your Fear of Commenting

If you’re ready to break free from your fear and begin building a habit of commenting, follow these simple steps.

1. Identify Three People You Admire on LinkedIn

Start by choosing three professionals in your niche whose content resonates with you. This could be a thought leader, an industry influencer, or even someone in your network whose ideas you respect. The key is to pick people who post regularly and consistently.

Once you’ve identified them, follow their posts closely. Pay attention to what they write about and how they engage with their audience.

2. Discover Their Posting Schedule

Most people post on LinkedIn at regular intervals—some post every morning, while others post on certain days of the week. The best time to comment is within the first hour of their post going live. This increases your chances of having your comment seen and engaged with by the author and other readers.

How to track this? You can set up notifications for their new posts, or simply check their profile activity to get a sense of when they are most active.

3. Craft a Simple, Positive Comment

Now comes the part that often triggers anxiety—writing the comment. Here’s where simplicity is key.

Start with something positive and encouraging. Here’s a template you can follow:

  • “That’s a cool post, @Name.”

This sets a positive tone and acknowledges their effort in creating content. It’s non-confrontational and easy to write, helping you ease into the process of commenting.

4. Add One Thoughtful Sentence

After your opening line, add a sentence that relates directly to the content of the post. This demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to read and engage with their ideas, even if it’s just a small part of it.

For example:

  • “I really liked your point about [insert specific idea from the post].”

This personalizes your comment and shows that you’re paying attention. Over time, as you become more comfortable, you can expand on your thoughts and insights.

5. Post It Without Overthinking

Finally, hit the post button! One of the biggest hurdles for introverts is overthinking the comment—worrying about how it will be perceived or whether it adds enough value. Don’t overanalyze. The more you practice, the easier it will become. Here’s how your full comment might look:

  • “That’s a cool post, @Mat. I really like your idea about commenting on LinkedIn to overcome fear.”

Your first few comments may feel a bit basic, and that’s okay. The goal isn’t to immediately attract leads or get tons of likes but to get comfortable engaging publicly.

The Long-Term Benefits: Confidence and Visibility

While your initial comments might not immediately generate leads, they are doing something even more important—they’re helping you overcome your fear. Every comment you post builds your confidence, and over time, your interactions will become more natural and insightful.

How Commenting Boosts Your LinkedIn Visibility

Regularly engaging with content makes you more visible to both LinkedIn’s algorithm and its users. Comments are public, meaning anyone who views the post can see your comment and may be curious enough to visit your profile. The LinkedIn algorithm also tends to promote users who engage with content regularly, which could lead to your own posts getting more visibility.

According to LinkedIn’s data, users who engage with posts—through likes, comments, and shares—are more likely to be recommended by the platform and rank higher in search results both within LinkedIn and across Google.

How Commenting Improves Your SEO

What many people don’t realize is that your LinkedIn activity contributes to your personal SEO. When you regularly engage on LinkedIn, Google indexes these activities, which can increase the chances of your name or profile appearing in Google search results for relevant keywords.

FAQ: Addressing Common Concerns

Q: Will people judge my comments?
A: No. Most LinkedIn users appreciate engagement and are respectful. Even simple comments can spark positive conversations.

Q: How often should I comment?
A: Start by commenting on one post per day. As you build your confidence, you can increase this to three or more comments a day.

Q: What if I have nothing to add?
A: It’s okay to start small. Even saying “Great post, thanks for sharing” adds value by showing support.

The LinkedIn Algorithm and How Commenting Fits In

In 2024, LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards authentic engagement. The more you interact with others, the more visibility you get. But it’s not just about quantity—quality matters too. The algorithm considers engagement that adds value to conversations, meaning even brief but thoughtful comments can help boost your profile.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Wait for Perfection—Start Today

One of the most significant mistakes people make is waiting until they have the “perfect” strategy before engaging. The truth is, you don’t need to strategize too much to get started. The more you comment, the more natural it will become.

Start today. Pick one post and comment on it. It doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to be done. As you practice, you’ll build confidence and start reaping the rewards of increased visibility and engagement on LinkedIn.

P.S. Remember: “Start >>> Preparing to start.” You’ve got this!