Meet Commenter AI – Your Tool for More Conversations on Linkedin
July 24, 2024
How to write a good LinkedIn comment
How to write a good LinkedIn comment
August 8, 2024
August 6, 2024 by Dean Seddon

How Commenting on LinkedIn Can Boost Your Visibility and Engagement

Ever wonder how to really stand out on LinkedIn? With so many people vying for attention, the secret to getting noticed is often simpler than you […]

Ever wonder how to really stand out on LinkedIn?

With so many people vying for attention, the secret to getting noticed is often simpler than you think: commenting. It’s not just a strategy to increase your visibility—meaningful comments can help you build your network and strengthen your influence. Let’s dive into how you can make the most of this approach, with insights from three LinkedIn experts who really know their stuff.

Meet the Experts

Tony Restell is the founder of, a social media agency that helps businesses turn their online presence into a growth engine. Tony has years of experience transforming social media into a real business asset, and his advice can help you take your LinkedIn game to the next level.

Rob Dance is a tech entrepreneur who started with just £1,000 and grew his business into an eight-figure enterprise. He’s all about mindset, leadership, and how engagement can drive growth. Rob knows what it takes to build a community that’s eager to engage and share.

Neeraj Shah is an AI and LinkedIn strategist who helps CEOs and founders amp up their LinkedIn strategy using AI. As the founder of Titan Masterminds, Neeraj combines tech and personal branding to make LinkedIn strategies that really hit the mark.

The Reciprocity Principle

Tony believes in the power of giving to get on LinkedIn:

“The single biggest thing that will drive more comments on your LinkedIn posts is… you yourself engaging more with other people’s posts! If you see a post from someone who’s recently added a great comment to one of your posts, you are more inclined to stop and read their post and leave them a comment, aren’t you?”

When you engage with other people’s posts in a genuine way, they’re more likely to return the favor. It’s not just being nice—LinkedIn’s algorithm loves these interactions. The more you comment, the more your content pops up in others’ feeds.

“Try it out for a couple of weeks and I’ve no doubt you’ll see the impact!”

Replying to Comments: A Must-Do Strategy

Rob has seen massive growth on LinkedIn, and he credits a lot of it to engaging in the comments:

“Without fail, I reply to every comment I receive. This is non-negotiable for me. If people take the time to comment on my content, the very least I can do is acknowledge it.”

Rob stresses that responding to every comment shows your audience that you care about their input. It’s a two-way street. By fostering this interaction, he’s built a community that loves to engage and share, boosting his reach and influence.

“It has encouraged my community to engage more with my content and with one another in the comments, prompting healthy debates and conversation.”

Building Authentic Connections

Neeraj has a straightforward approach to boosting engagement:

“Want more comments on your LinkedIn posts? Here’s a secret sauce I use. It’s simple and super effective. Always sign off with a P.S. Include a thought-provoking question. This invites opinions and sparks discussions!”

Neeraj suggests focusing on building real connections rather than relying on tricks or pods. Comment regularly on the posts of peers and thought leaders, and you’ll naturally see more interaction. He also recommends sharing your posts with friends who might be interested, which can help broaden your reach.

“Build an engagement tribe. Make it a point to comment on their posts daily. Reciprocity is key!”

Practical Tips for Effective Commenting

  • Be Consistent: Make it a habit to engage with relevant posts daily. This helps build relationships and keeps you visible.
  • Be Genuine: Skip the generic “Great post!” comments. Share genuine insights, add value, and ask questions to spark real conversations.
  • Use Questions: Ask open-ended questions to invite dialogue and encourage others to chime in with their thoughts.
  • Expand Your Network: Engage with a variety of people, not just those in your immediate circle. This helps expand your reach and brings in new perspectives.

Why Commenting Matters

Engaging through comments is a straightforward yet powerful way to boost your LinkedIn presence. It helps you build connections, foster engagement, and extend your reach. By jumping into discussions, you can position yourself as a thought leader and enhance your professional image. More than just networking, commenting is a savvy move to grow your visibility and establish your authority in an authentic way.