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Hack Your LinkedIn Commenting Writer’s Block in 60 Seconds

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through LinkedIn, see a post that grabs your attention, and you want to comment – but your mind goes blank. […]

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through LinkedIn, see a post that grabs your attention, and you want to comment – but your mind goes blank. It happens to the best of us, but it doesn’t have to be a problem. With the right strategies, you can overcome LinkedIn commenting writer’s block in just 60 seconds and start engaging meaningfully without stress.

Here are 5 simple tips that I use to get past writer’s block and leave thoughtful, engaging comments quickly.

1. Use Comment Templates

When you don’t know what to say, start with a comment template. Having a few go-to phrases in your toolbox can make all the difference. Templates give you structure and can be customized to fit any post. They help you get the ball rolling without feeling stuck at the keyboard.

Example Phrases:

  • “What I found interesting here is…”
  • “I truly like the idea of…”

These phrases are great because they allow you to acknowledge the post’s content while smoothly introducing your own thoughts. From there, you can add more specific details and insights.

Why This Works:

Starting with a template takes away the pressure of coming up with something clever or original right off the bat. You’ll quickly realize that once you have an opening, the rest of the comment flows more naturally.

2. Use Commenter AI

When you’re short on time or just can’t seem to find the right words, Commenter AI can be a lifesaver. Our tool allows you to generate a valuable comment idea in seconds. Instead of staring at a blank screen, let AI give you a head start with a thoughtful response that you can tweak to match your voice.

How to Use It:

Click, and a comment suggestion appears. You can adjust the language to fit your style or simply hit post if the suggestion feels right.

Why This Works:

AI is a great time-saver when you’re facing writer’s block. It doesn’t take away your authenticity but gives you a quick idea that you can refine into something personal and impactful. Plus, it helps you stay active and engaged, even on days when you’re pressed for time.

3. Use Bullet Points for Quick Ideas

When you’re stuck, sometimes the best approach is to break things down into smaller pieces. Skim through the post and write down a few key points that stand out to you. These could be anything – insights, questions, or interesting facts. Then, turn these bullet points into a cohesive comment.

How to Do It:

  • Step 1: Read the post and jot down 2-3 ideas that catch your eye.
  • Step 2: Combine those ideas into a sentence or two.

For example, if a post is about marketing trends, you might note:

  • Personalization is key.
  • Data-driven decisions improve results.
  • Focus on user experience.

Then, turn those into a comment:
“Great post, @Mike! I completely agree that personalization and data-driven decisions are essential to modern marketing strategies. Focusing on user experience is something I’ve seen work wonders in my own projects.”

Why This Works:

Bullet points make it easier to organize your thoughts. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the need to craft a perfect response, you’re simply pulling together the most important points and sharing them.

4. Reflect on How the Post Resonates with You

A great way to leave a thoughtful comment is by reflecting on how the post relates to your own experiences. This doesn’t just help you break through writer’s block – it also adds a personal touch to your comment, making it more authentic and relatable.

Ask Yourself:

  • How does this post resonate with me?
  • Have I experienced something similar?
  • How can I relate this topic to my own work or life?

By answering these questions, you’ll find that your comment becomes more meaningful because it’s tied to your personal insights.


If a post is about overcoming challenges in remote work, you might say: “This post really resonates with me. I faced similar challenges when my team first transitioned to remote work, but finding the right communication tools made a huge difference.”

Why This Works:

Reflecting on your own experiences makes your comment more engaging and helps build a connection with both the original poster and other readers. People appreciate when someone adds personal insights instead of generic comments.

5. Keep a Swipe File for Inspiration

A swipe file is a collection of ideas, phrases, or comments that you’ve written or saved in the past. It can serve as inspiration when you’re stuck for ideas on LinkedIn. Having a ready-to-go resource filled with past comments or drafts can spark new thoughts and help you break through the block quickly.

How to Build Your Swipe File:

  • Keep a record of comments you’ve made in the past that you’re particularly proud of.
  • Save drafts of comments you’ve started but didn’t post.
  • Collect snippets of articles or other posts that resonated with you.

Whenever you need inspiration, go back to your swipe file, and you’ll find ideas to help jumpstart your next comment.

Why This Works:

Having a swipe file takes the pressure off having to think of something fresh every time. It’s a great way to repurpose your own past ideas or find new angles from old thoughts.

Your LinkedIn Commenting Should Be Effortless, Not Exhausting

LinkedIn commenting doesn’t need to feel like a chore. With these 5 simple strategies – using templates, leveraging Commenter AI, breaking ideas into bullet points, reflecting on personal experiences, and keeping a swipe file – you’ll never run out of ideas.

Engaging on LinkedIn is about being consistent and authentic, but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. Try these tips the next time you feel blocked, and watch how quickly the words start flowing.

Final Thoughts

It’s easy to feel stuck when it comes to leaving thoughtful comments on LinkedIn, but with these simple hacks, you can beat writer’s block in no time. By focusing on practical strategies like templates, AI tools, and personal reflection, you’ll never be short of ideas again. The more you practice, the easier commenting becomes, and soon enough, you’ll find it effortless.

FAQ: Overcoming LinkedIn Commenting Writer’s Block

Q: How can I come up with quick ideas for LinkedIn comments?

A: Start with simple templates or use tools like Commenter AI to generate ideas. Bullet points can also help organize your thoughts, making it easier to craft a quick response.

Q: Is it okay to reuse comments I’ve written before?

A: Yes! Keeping a swipe file of past comments or ideas can be a helpful way to get inspiration when you’re feeling stuck. Just be sure to adjust them to fit the current post.

Q: How can I make my comments stand out?

A: Reflect on how the post resonates with your own experiences. Personalizing your comments and adding unique insights helps them stand out from generic responses.

By following these steps, you’ll find that LinkedIn commenting becomes easier and more enjoyable, helping you engage with your network and grow your professional presence.