linkedin vanity metrics
LinkedIn Post Engagement Metrics Matter (Especially If You’re Just Starting Out)
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LinkedIn Comments: The Ultimate Guide to Dominate, Grow Engagement & Build Your Personal Brand
October 7, 2024
October 2, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

From Annoyance to Opportunity: How LinkedIn Comments Transformed My Life

Back in 2022, I used to think that comments on LinkedIn were just a small nuisance. I thought they were an annoying part of social media […]

Back in 2022, I used to think that comments on LinkedIn were just a small nuisance. I thought they were an annoying part of social media that didn’t add much value. Like many others, I scrolled past comments without much thought, dismissing them as a side effect of being online.

Fast forward to 2023, and something shifted. I started researching LinkedIn commenting, diving into what makes comments powerful and how they affect the platform’s ecosystem. By 2024, I was appearing on podcasts talking about the surprising impact that comments have had on my LinkedIn journey. My perspective had completely changed.

Now, I understand that LinkedIn comments can change lives – not just for the poster, but for the commenter too. They can introduce you to incredible people, increase your visibility, and even help you achieve your LinkedIn goals. Here’s how LinkedIn comments evolved from an annoyance to one of my most valuable tools for success.

Why I Used to Find LinkedIn Comments Annoying

For a long time, I didn’t see the value in commenting on LinkedIn. It felt like a chore, a task that took up time but didn’t deliver immediate results. Whenever I saw posts flooded with comments, I thought, “Do people really get value from this?” I didn’t see the point of engaging in small conversations when I could be focusing on other tasks that seemed more productive.

I know I wasn’t alone in thinking this. A lot of people underestimate the power of comments, believing that they’re just vanity metrics or time-wasters. But the more I ignored commenting, the more invisible I became on the platform.

The Turning Point: How I Realized the Power of LinkedIn Comments

In 2023, I began to really research LinkedIn comments. What I found surprised me: comments weren’t just filling up space; they were creating connections, building visibility, and – most importantly – helping people grow their personal brands.

The more I studied, the more I realized that comments could be the missing link between passive LinkedIn usage and real engagement. The people who were actively commenting weren’t just engaging – they were building relationships, strengthening their personal brands, and growing their influence on the platform.

This insight led me to test a new approach: commenting strategically. Instead of seeing comments as annoying, I started to view them as opportunities. Here’s what I discovered:

Comments Can Change Lives

It might sound like an exaggeration, but comments can have a life-changing impact – both on the person posting and the person commenting.

1. You Meet Incredible People

When you engage in the comments, you open yourself up to new conversations, new connections, and new opportunities. Over time, I’ve built strong relationships with people simply because I commented on their posts. Those comments sparked deeper conversations that evolved into collaborations, partnerships, and friendships.

2. Comments Help You Achieve Your LinkedIn Goals

Your goals on LinkedIn – whether it’s building a personal brand, landing a job, or growing your network – are all fueled by engagement. The more you comment, the more visible you become. This visibility helps you reach your goals faster than you would by only posting or passively consuming content.

3. You Strengthen Your Skills as a Communicator

This is something that many people overlook. When you leave thoughtful comments, you’re forced to think critically and communicate clearly. Over time, commenting has helped me become a better communicator, a more insightful thinker, and even a better writer.

Patience is Key: Why You Won’t See Immediate Results

One of the reasons people dismiss commenting is because it doesn’t bring instant gratification. When you leave a comment, it’s rare that you’ll immediately see results in the form of new connections, leads, or engagement.

However, patience is key. The people who consistently show up in the comments are the ones who get noticed over time. Immediate results are rare, but long-term rewards are almost guaranteed if you stick with it. It’s the same principle as posting on LinkedIn – consistency wins.

What You’re Really Missing When You Don’t Comment

If you’ve been neglecting to comment on LinkedIn posts, you’re missing out on more than just increased visibility. You’re missing out on the chance to develop critical skills that can fuel your professional success. Here are a few areas where commenting has helped me improve:

1. You Become a Better Communicator

Each time you comment, you’re improving your ability to express your thoughts clearly and concisely. Over time, I found myself becoming a more articulate communicator, both in written and verbal interactions. This skill translates beyond LinkedIn and helps in meetings, interviews, and everyday conversations.

2. You Become a Better Thinker

Leaving thoughtful comments forces you to analyze the post, consider different perspectives, and offer insights that add value to the conversation. It’s an exercise in critical thinking that sharpens your ability to evaluate ideas and provide meaningful feedback.

3. You Become a Better Writer

Frequent commenting acts like mini writing practice sessions. You learn to craft messages that are concise, engaging, and informative. Over time, these skills naturally translate to better writing – whether it’s for your own LinkedIn posts, emails, or reports.

These Skills Are Your Shortcut to Success

The combination of becoming a better communicator, thinker, and writer is what I consider the ultimate shortcut to success. Think about it – if you can express your ideas clearly, think critically about the world around you, and communicate effectively, you’re far more likely to achieve your professional goals.

In fact, these skills are often what set successful professionals apart from the rest. The ability to comment thoughtfully and engage meaningfully is what helps you stand out in a crowded digital space.

My Advice: Swap “Annoying” for “Moving”

It’s easy to see comments as an annoying part of social media that you’d rather skip. But if you can reframe your mindset, comments become a powerful tool for moving your business forward.

Instead of thinking, “Comments are annoying,” try this:

– Comments are opportunities.
Comments help me grow my skills.
Comments move me toward my goals.

Every time you leave a comment, think of it as a step forward, not just another task to check off your list. Each comment is a chance to build relationships, practice your communication, and increase your visibility.

The Magic Formula

Here’s the magic formula that I’ve discovered through my almost 2 years of heavy engagement on LinkedIn: 

Commenting = Moving Toward Success.

Every thoughtful comment you leave is a small step toward building your brand, achieving your goals, and growing your network. The more you engage, the more progress you make. And over time, those small steps add up to something much bigger.

Final Thoughts: Comments Aren’t Annoying – They’re Essential

If you’ve been avoiding comments because they feel like a waste of time or just another annoying part of social media, it’s time to shift your perspective. Comments aren’t just empty engagements – they’re a powerful tool for building relationships, honing critical skills, and moving closer to your goals.

So the next time you scroll past a post, stop and take a moment to leave a thoughtful comment. Remember: Commenting isn’t just engagement – it’s progress. And progress is what moves you forward toward the success you’re aiming for.

FAQ: LinkedIn Comments and Their Impact

Q: Why are LinkedIn comments important?

A: LinkedIn comments help you build visibility, strengthen relationships, and develop critical skills like communication and critical thinking. They’re a key part of growing your personal brand on the platform.

Q: How can I make my LinkedIn comments more meaningful?

A: To make your comments more meaningful, focus on providing thoughtful insights, asking questions, and engaging with the content in a way that adds value to the conversation.

Q: Do LinkedIn comments really help with professional growth?

A: Yes! Consistent commenting helps you develop communication skills, build relationships, and increase your visibility – key components of professional growth and success.

Start using LinkedIn comments to move your business forward today, and you’ll soon see the incredible results that follow!