Linkedin tip for commenting
Massively Underrated LinkedIn Tip: Treat Your Comments Like Posts
September 10, 2024
LinkedIn AI comments
LinkedIn AI Comments Don’t Work? Here’s Why You Might Be Using Them Wrong
September 11, 2024
September 11, 2024 by Bogomil Stoev

1 Simple Hack to Turn a LinkedIn Comment from Good to Great

We’ve all been there: you see a post on LinkedIn, and you want to leave a comment that stands out, makes an impact, and gets noticed. […]

We’ve all been there: you see a post on LinkedIn, and you want to leave a comment that stands out, makes an impact, and gets noticed. But somehow, no matter how hard you try, your comment ends up being just another drop in the sea of responses. The good news? Less than 5% of LinkedIn commenters are using a simple hack. And it can turn a good comment into a great one – and it’s surprisingly easy to implement.

So, what’s the secret to making your comments stand out, get noticed, and actually be consumed by the audience?

It’s all about formatting.

Why Does Formatting Matter?

Let’s face it: most people skim through comments. In a fast-paced digital world, attention spans are short, and we’re all guilty of scrolling past long, dense blocks of text. So, here’s where formatting becomes your superpower:

1. Readability

Ever tried reading a comment that’s just one big chunk of text? It’s not fun. Breaking your comment into smaller, digestible sections makes it easier for readers to follow your point. Whether it’s a casual reader or someone genuinely interested, they’ll appreciate the clarity.

2. Attention

It’s a crowded world out there – especially on platforms like LinkedIn. A well-formatted comment grabs attention amidst a sea of boring, one-liner responses. When someone is scrolling, a clean, visually appealing comment draws the eye and makes them stop.

3. Impact

Let’s not kid ourselves: we comment because we want to make a point, share insight, or simply get noticed. Proper formatting helps you drive your message home more effectively. When your comment is easy to follow, your idea sticks better.

How to Format Your Comments for Maximum Impact

Now that we know why formatting is a game-changer, let’s break down how you can implement it. The great part? It’s not rocket science. These simple steps can instantly boost the effectiveness of your comments:

1. Use Bullet Points

Bullet points aren’t just for professional documents or presentations – they’re great for comments too. They make it easier for readers to pick out key points and make your thoughts crystal clear.

For example:

  • It’s easier to read.
  • It emphasizes important ideas.
  • It helps structure your thoughts.

This instantly boosts the readability of your comment and makes your thoughts easier to follow.

2. Add White Space

Here’s something most people don’t think about: white space. It might sound strange, but spacing between sentences or ideas allows your points to “breathe.” It’s like giving each of your thoughts its own spotlight.

Instead of: “This is a great post! It’s so true that consistency is important for growth. I’ve noticed that in my own work too. Brilliant content, Mark!”

Try spacing it out: “This is a great post!

It’s so true that consistency is key for growth.

I’ve noticed this in my own work too.

P.S. Brilliant content, Mark”

By simply adding space, you give your comment more visual appeal and make it much easier for people to read and engage with.

3. Less Is More

We’ve all been there – trying to pack too much information into one comment, but simplicity is your friend. Keep your sentences short, snappy, and to the point. Long-winded comments can lose people’s interest fast.

Instead of:
“I completely agree with your point. The importance of teamwork really can’t be overstated. It has been shown to improve productivity in many areas, and I’ve experienced firsthand how much of a difference it can make in driving business results.”

Say this:
“I agree – teamwork is crucial. It helps productivity and drives business results.”

This version is concise, impactful, and gets straight to the point without any unnecessary fluff.

Example: Turning a Good Comment Into a Great One

Let’s put this into action with a before-and-after example to show just how much difference formatting can make:

Before Formatting:

“Outstanding post, Mike! Making your points clear by using examples helps a lot. This is how people can fully understand your idea. Otherwise, they may be left confused. Don’t you think?”

Not a bad comment – but it feels a bit crowded, doesn’t it?

After Formatting:

“Outstanding post, Mike.
Adding examples to your points helps a lot.

This makes people fully understand your idea.

Otherwise, there’s a big risk:
To leave them confused.


See how much easier that is to read? By breaking it down, using white space, and simplifying the sentences, the comment feels lighter, clearer, and more likely to grab attention.

Why Formatting Boosts Engagement

Now, you might be wondering: why does this work so well? Here’s why:

  • Psychology of Readability: We’re hardwired to skim when we read online. By breaking your comment into smaller, digestible pieces, you’re catering to that natural tendency.
  • Visual Appeal: We’re drawn to things that look easy to consume. A well-formatted comment stands out more than a dense block of text.
  • Retention: Structuring your comment properly makes it more memorable. People will remember your points because they were clear, easy to follow, and left a positive impression.

Real-Life Application: How to Use This Hack Every Time

You might be thinking, “Sounds good, but will this work for me?” The short answer: absolutely. Here’s a quick guide to applying this hack every time you comment on LinkedIn (or anywhere else):

1. Read the Post Thoroughly

Before you comment, make sure you fully understand the post. This will help you formulate a meaningful response that adds value to the conversation.

2. Break Down Your Thoughts

If you have multiple points, use bullet points or separate them with spaces. This allows the reader to process each point one at a time.

3. Be Concise

Remember, shorter comments often have a bigger impact. Say what you need to say, but don’t overwhelm the reader with too much information.

4. Format Before You Post

Before hitting “post,” take a moment to re-read your comment. Are there areas where you can add white space? Are your points clear and easy to understand?

The Before-and-After Test:

Let’s do one more side-by-side comparison to show the power of formatting:


“This is such a great insight. I agree that staying consistent is the hardest part. It’s something I’ve struggled with a lot in my own projects, especially when juggling different tasks. Thanks for sharing this!”


“This is such a great insight.

Staying consistent is the hardest part – I’ve struggled with it myself, especially when juggling multiple tasks.

P.S. Thanks for sharing!”

The second version is cleaner, easier to read, and packs the same message in a more compelling format.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Just Comment, Format for Success

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to make your comments more effective. A small adjustment in how you format your thoughts can make a big difference. Remember:

  • Use bullet points to break down your ideas.
  • Add white space to make your comment more visually appealing.
  • Keep your sentences short and to the point.

Take an extra minute to format your comment before posting, and you’ll find it gets more attention, better engagement, and leaves a stronger impact.

FAQ: How to Improve Your LinkedIn Commenting Game

Q: Does formatting really make that much of a difference?

A: Absolutely! Well-formatted comments are easier to read, more likely to get noticed, and deliver your message more effectively. People are more inclined to engage with comments that are clear and visually appealing.

Q: How long should my comments be?

A: Keep your comments concise but meaningful. There’s no set length, but try to make your point in a few sentences while still adding value to the conversation.

Q: Can I use this strategy on other platforms?

A: Definitely! This hack works on any platform where you’re leaving comments – LinkedIn, blogs, forums, or even social media like Facebook and Instagram.

There you have it. A simple formatting hack can turn your comments from good to great and open new doors for opportunities. Start using it today and see how your engagement improves!